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LINNET SOFTWARE    The home of PayCheck Pro
Affiliated to Warners CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS                  12/14 GREENHILL CRESCENT, WATFORD, HERTS, WD18 8JA

Program operation:
The program operation is intuitive although help can be found in the menu options. We happily endeavour to provide free assistance at our discretion but experience shows that help is in fact rarely required.

Usage in free mode (latest release):

On installation you can use the program immediately and without the need to contact us - simply choose the “register later” option (there is no commitment to register). On this basis the size of the figures you can work with is restricted as are some facilities. There are however no time or number of uses limits so you could continue forever.

All previous years are now available fully functional for free.


Registration and payment of the licence fee gets you a unique access code which brings your existing program fully to life. No further installation process is required. The licence is per installation but second and subsequent users are half price.

How to register:

From within the program an order form can be completed and printed. This should be posted to us together with payment (we do not have a credit card facility). On payment we will e-mail your receipted invoice and advise your unique access code for entry at the prompt when the program is run.


The program is aimed at accountants so it is assumed you’ll understand any questions asked and any results you’ll see. It is designed as a tool for instants calculations rather than as a payroll program.

Downloads    Operating systems:
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows 7, 8 &10
Home > Linnet > Info
   Why should I register?

Unrestricted figures

Unrestricted functionality

Free in-year upgrades

Free technical support
   Is it for me?

If you’re an accountant - yes

If you’re a payroll agent - yes
Partners:    Barry Warner & Lisa Warner
Need help? … just call us 01923 447600