Who is a director?
The law imposes upon all directors the same duties and potential liabilities, regardless of the role they play and the basis of their holding office so it’s no good saying I’m a director but I don’t really do anything”.
For the purposes of looking at responsibilities, accountability and obligations there
is no distinction between executive and non-
An executive director has day-
A non executive director is normally expected to participate at board meetings and
on board committees and working groups, but he will not have day-
A shadow director is “any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of a company are accustomed to act”. A person is not deemed a shadow director just because he advises the directors in a professional capacity.
Directors powers
The directors are generally responsible for the management of the company and they may exercise all the powers of the company. However, the extent of their authority may be restricted by the Companies Act and by the articles of association. For example, articles of association often include provisions and restrictions on borrowing by the company. Generally, the directors must act collectively as a board to bind the company although the articles usually entitle the board to delegate powers to individual directors as considered appropriate.
Directors duties
Directors should be aware that they are personally subject to statutory duties in their capacity as directors of a company. The company as a separate legal entity is subject to statutory controls and the directors are also responsible for ensuring that the company complies with such statutory controls.
The duties of directors, previous defined by case law, were codified in the Companies Act 2006 for the first time. The Act sets out seven general duties of directors which are:
It is the responsibility of the directors to ensure that the company maintains full and accurate accounting records. This includes the preparation of a balance sheet and a profit and loss account for each financial period of the company, and the presentation of these to shareholders and, subject to various exemptions, the filing of the accounts and report of the directors with the Registrar of Companies.
Directors liabilities
Directors may incur personal liability, both civil and criminal, for their acts or omissions in directing the company.
Company directors